Syria: the interview with Roberto Fiore
by Gloria Callarelli (source: After the latest dramatic events in Syria, the international situation is even more difficult to interpret and constantly evolving. On these facts we interviewed Roberto Fiore, leader of the European group Alliance for Peace and Freedom and Forza Nuova, who has always supported the cause of Syria and Lebanon in
The European Commissioner for Labor and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, on Twitter said that: “The far right denies climate change and fights Green Deal policies at a time when Europe and the world are on fire and water resources are dwindling: “your policies would once again lead to cataclysms, you need to be stopped like
The position taken by the Draghi government, supported by all political parties, has led Italy to take side in a conflict, the Russian-Ukraine one, which is not only distant from our country, and ferocious, but is also contrary to all Italian and European interests. In recent months, the Italian government has provided fundamental logistical and economic
- Published in Europe
APF Statement on the Ukraine, Russia and the Origins of the Crisis of Two Worlds in Conflict
The war that is being fought between Russia and Ukraine is now clearly seen as a proxy war whose instigators are certainly not Europeans. The US elite wants to extend NATO, impoverish and humiliate Russia and force Europe into a hybrid conflict that is already generating serious economic and employment problems by blocking the supply
Russians Get In-Depth View Of Udo Voigt
Short Russian language documentary about the work of Udo Voigt, MEP and valued senior member of the APF.
- Published in APF, In the European Parliament
Bolshevik Revolution – Myth and Reality
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia (using the Western calendar). A small group of professional agitators, aided to a small extent by the German government but even more so by a consortium of Wall Street banks, seized state buildings, telephone exchanges and other key points and began
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‘Western laws now clash with moral nature of man’ – Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill
In an exclusive interview with RT, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, shared his ideas on the difficult situations of Christians in the Middle East, the US presidential election, and European multiculturalism. Once you read and hear his views, you will understand more about the hysterical hostility to Russia now shown by
- Published in News
MEP Udo Voigts statement to the Russian ambassador
In connection with the Russian President Vladimir Putins visit in Berlin last week, MEP Udo Voigt handed over a personal statement to the Russian ambassador Vladimir Mikhaylovich Grinin. Udo Voigt, who also is a member of APF distant himself from the policies of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and expressed that he will continue to
- Published in APF, Europe, In the European Parliament
War on Disinformation
American “democratic” bombs bring destruction and chaos. Just look at the pictures – the web is full of them – to realize the destructive mission conducted by the US: Iraq, Libya, Yemen (where the Saudis are using weapons made in the US and its UK puppet to bomb civilians) and Syria. We will focus in
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Video: Russian ‘soft power’ and the Crisis of the West
Coloured Revolutions About to Boomerang on the West A geopolitical revolution is one the way! This article in the leading Russian daily paper Izvestia is remarkable not just for its foresight, but in particular for the very last sentence. It appears very clearly to tell us that at least sections of the Russian state (presumably