Our reading of the results of the recent European elections certainly does not reflect that of the mainstream media. A growing section of our people no longer has an interest in elections in general, does not recognize the European Parliament as their own, and indeed suffers from the continuous distortions of politics and economics that

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Miša Vacić, candidate for mayor of Belgrade and holder of the “Let the army return to Kosovo” list, was on an official visit to the Donetsk People’s Republic, where he had a meeting with the mayor of Donetsk, Nikolai Ivanovich Volkov. Vacić visited the army battalion of Archangel Michael of the DPR, where the legendary

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A group of APF representatives went to Kosovo in recent days to bring basic necessities and chocolate for children and other humanitarian aid to the Christian community of Istok. The group was led by Alessio Costantini.

Since last Friday, a series of protests have been taking place in the streets of Spain against the incredible policy of surrender of the Spanish government to the separatists who just six years ago caused one of the most serious crises that has been experienced in our country in recent times. Decades. From the first

Roberto Fiore, after Madrid demonstration, says: “With the cry of ‘No nos engañan Cataluña es España’ Falange and Democracìa Nacional mobilized the streets of Madrid against Sanchez’s betrayal towards the unity of Spain. DN and Falange are part of APF and share its spirit and struggle”.

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APF President Roberto Fiore travelled to Minsk this week where he held a series of meetings. The first one took place in the important Monastery of St. Elizabeth, a real Orthodox Citadel in the heart of Minsk led by the well-known Father Andrew and central point of the Christian Faith in Belarus. There they discussed

The European Commissioner for Labor and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, on Twitter said that: “The far right denies climate change and fights Green Deal policies at a time when Europe and the world are on fire and water resources are dwindling: “your policies would once again lead to cataclysms, you need to be stopped like

The leader of APF Roberto Fiore has met in Bruxelles Herve Van Laethem historical nationalist and best expert of middle East issues.With him Fiore discussed the opportunity of helping the Syrian people after the earthquake and the resolution from the west to discriminate against the population loyal to Assad.Earlier Fiore had met with MEP Athanasious

Europe is living the darkest period

NATO has always been the puppet of the US and its “allies” that manage the destinies of peoples. Among all those who have ever taken on the role of General Secretary, the most useless and submissive to their whining is Jens Stoltenberg. This awful guy dared, surpassing even his ridiculous self, to congratulate the Turkish

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The position taken by the Draghi government, supported by all political parties, has led Italy to take side in a conflict, the Russian-Ukraine one, which is not only distant from our country, and ferocious, but is also contrary to all Italian and European interests. In recent months, the Italian government has provided fundamental logistical and economic

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