The position taken by the Draghi government, supported by all political parties, has led Italy to take side in a conflict, the Russian-Ukraine one, which is not only distant from our country, and ferocious, but is also contrary to all Italian and European interests.
In recent months, the Italian government has provided fundamental logistical and economic weapons and aid for Ukraine, forcing our country to be involved in a conflict that is foreign to us; thanks to this huge help the drama is extending its duration.
Having made this choice, now everything pertinent to the conflict concerns us: it should not be forgotten, therefore, that terrorist actions also involve Italy and NATO, thus denying the constitutional basis and our tradition as a friendly people to all peoples.
The consequences of this policy are already having repercussions on our Italy: tens of thousands of families and businesses have suffered the backlash and, amid increases and prohibitions, in the future the effects will certainly be even heavier. The greatest risk is that many families will not be able to face the inevitable crisis that will occur during the winter, while many of our companies will be forced to close their doors if the senseless war policy continues. Today our economy is already paying for the break with Russia not only in terms of energy but also in terms of tourism … with real losses quantifiable in billions of euros.
Everything that is Russian is discriminated against, the culture opposed, the tourists kept away and all the actions of the Russian government, even the generous ones that marked the COVID 19 crisis, demonized.
To avoid the disaster, we need to steer immediately before the Italia car crashes.
This appeal is intended as a warning to the political class and the government to stop a war between two peoples who are brothers in blood and spirit.
If the Italian government has its people at heart, it must immediately stop sending weapons, encouraging the diplomatic route. Furthermore, Italy must question its alliance with NATO, which has no task of creating wars or fomenting divisions.
This appeal finally begs the Holy See to continue the assiduous search for Peace, highlighting Its absolute respect for all peoples in the conflict.
This appeal precedes the great mobilization of the people that will inevitably take place if the Italian political class goes on supporting the war and consequently determining the impoverishment of our Italy, the betrayal of fundamental goods as Peace and Truth and the disappearance of the Italian political class inadequate to the task entrusted to it by history.
Gloria Callarelli (Journalist) – Prof. Ornella Mariani (Writer) – Prof. Giovanni Frajese (Endocrinologist) – Prof. Nino Galloni (Economist) – Prof. Carlo Taormina (Lawjer) – Roberto Fiore (Politic) – Franco Cardiello (Politic) – Salvatore Cabras (Admiral) – Damiano Cardiello (Politic) – Irma Trombetta (Writer) – Vincenzo di Nanna (Lawjer) – Carmela Rescigno (Politic) – Antonietta La Porta (Politic) – Nicola di Simone (Business Owner) – Fulvio Maiorca (Lawjer) – Michele Mitrotti (Lawjer) – Baldassarre Lauria (Lawjer) – Nicole Calabresi (Soprano) – Filippo Teglia (Lawjer) – De Vincentis Resta (Lawjer) – Fabio Tuiach (Former Italian heawyweight chapion) – Vito Comencini (Politic) – Luca Castellini (Politic)