The position taken by the Draghi government, supported by all political parties, has led Italy to take side in a conflict, the Russian-Ukraine one, which is not only distant from our country, and ferocious, but is also contrary to all Italian and European interests. In recent months, the Italian government has provided fundamental logistical and economic

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The Alliance for Peace and Freedom has a particular characteristic: Three of its most important leaders are in jail. Chaparro was found guilty of a demonstration against Catalan separatists, Despite the fact that it involved nothing more than throwing some leaflets and chanting, he was sentenced to six years in prison. Lagos, for having directed

The war that is being fought between Russia and Ukraine is now clearly seen as a proxy war whose instigators are certainly not Europeans. The US elite wants to extend NATO, impoverish and humiliate Russia and force Europe into a hybrid conflict that is already generating serious economic and employment problems by blocking the supply

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“The outcome of the Italian events concerns the whole of Europe and the rest of the world. We are the pilot country in the Great Reset plans, if it passes here the Italian model will be imposed on you all. Italy is the front line for the whole of Europe.” These are the words of

APF Congress in Belgrade

On September 26th in Belgrade in the hall of the Hotel Moscow a conference on “Nation of Europe” was held; this event was attended by Mr Ivan Benedetti of the French PNF, Mr Claus Cremer NPD, Mr Manuel Andrino for the Falange, Gonzalo Martín García for Democracia Nacional, Forza Nuova with the President of the

The events in Israel and Gaza in the last few hours bear witness to the fact that the Israeli-Arab war and consequently the Palestinian Liberation struggle have now reached a critical point. The unity of the Palestinian people, undermined for different reasons, has now been found. Never before had the Palestinians arrived in Tel Aviv!


In 2020 and 2021 we have witnessed an extremely serious wave of repression against nationalism and nationalists in Europe. The liberal war on freedom has hit legal organizations and parties with elected political representation in regional, national and European parliaments. The most serious cases are as follows: in Slovakia, the leader of Our Nations party

The Parliament of crooks and clowns:

How the President of the EU-Parliament tried to protect Chansellor Angela Merkel against Udo Voigt It was a great show for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel today in Strasbourg. In a keynote address to the European Parliament, she defended practically all the questionable achievements of her chancellorship, from the ‘salvation’ of Greece over the mass

Udo Voigt warns of an announced disaster in Syria – European Parliament looks the other way The Russian General Staff informed the world today about monstrous things from the Syrian conflict scene. In East Ghuta, rebel jihadist fighters were preparing the staging of another alleged use of chemical weapons, which would then be blamed on

The German Federal Constitutional Court refuses to ban the NPD for the second time The German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe yesterday refused, for the second time, to ban the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD). The NPD, the oldest nationalist party in Germany, is thus still legally capable of acting – and is now