Russians Get In-Depth View Of Udo Voigt

Short Russian language documentary about the work of Udo Voigt, MEP and valued senior member of the APF.

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PER L’EUROPA DELLE PATRIE! Conferenza a Genova l’11 febbraio. Genova è stata scelta per dare inizio al nuovo anno di lotta politica. A Genova attivisti e simpatizzanti nazionalisti europei si raduneranno per ascoltare le parole dei capi del nazionalismo europeo. A Genova festeggeremo l’NPD, partito membro di APF, reduce dalla recente vittoria alla corte costituzionale

In connection with the Russian President Vladimir Putins visit in Berlin last week, MEP Udo Voigt handed over a personal statement to the Russian ambassador Vladimir Mikhaylovich Grinin. Udo Voigt, who also is a member of APF distant himself from the policies of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and expressed that he will continue to

Following on from our earlier in-depth report, here are some more photos that give a glimpse of the APF’s recent new visit to Syria. Our visit to Maalula – ancient Christian town liberated from Daesh by the Syrian Arab Army   In Damascus, while the threat of random shelling of civilian areas by ‘moderate’ rebels

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Amidst an explosive atmosphere of anti-white violence, black Pretoria student Kabelo Mahlobogwane placed a mass-murder incitement ‘The White Human Race Must Die’ on his Facebook wall (pagegrab below). Those who understand the reality of life in Communist, black racist South Africa will not be surprised that, over five months later, no action has been taken