Syria: the interview with Roberto Fiore

by Gloria Callarelli (source:

After the latest dramatic events in Syria, the international situation is even more difficult to interpret and constantly evolving. On these facts we interviewed Roberto Fiore, leader of the European group Alliance for Peace and Freedom and Forza Nuova, who has always supported the cause of Syria and Lebanon in the Near East and knows its geopolitical dynamics.

Fiore, how do you see the situation in Syria today?

The situation in Syria is still particularly confusing and therefore dramatic. It emerges with a certain clarity that the Russians, who have had a significant presence on the territory, maintain their bases and a sort of political presence right there in the Mediterranean, linked to the origins of the Assad family on the coast. It is clear that the agreements, which were initially made also with Iran and Turkey, are denied every day by the facts. That there have been hangings, people killed and that widespread violence is beginning, even if not yet at a significant level, suggests that the power of the fundamentalists is based on a deception within deceptions, that is, making people believe that the methods of government have actually changed. The only possibility is the reconstruction of that political and military fabric that in a certain sense has always opposed both Zionism and fundamentalism and that fabric is identified in the Syrian Baath Party and the Syrian National Social Party. These have the majority, even if in fact the country is occupied by fundamentalists and Israelis.

Why Assad’s collapse?

There are many rumors about Assad’s collapse, it is difficult to say anything definitive. We only know that the Russians considered it a fundamental element, in order not to continue bombing the Islamists and Idlib, to be able to save Assad’s family. For the rest, it seems that there was an order to all the military, police and structures not to resist, receiving in exchange at the same time the promise, perhaps no longer kept by the Turks and Islamists, that there would be no recourse to violence and the application of the Sharia.

What do you think of the Islamists in power?

To understand the problem of the Islamists, we must consider that already in the past it emerged with a certain clarity that the one who pushed fundamentalism from the very beginning has always been Israel. If we think of the Arab world of the 1950s and 1960s we see that all the countries were anti-Zionist and were governed by political formations or Nasserist, or Baath, or social nationalists who had the characteristic of strong respect for Christian communities. Many of them were Christian and had a strong opposition to any type of Islamism. We remember the very harsh repression by Assad senior.

How is this alliance between Israel and fundamentalists possible?

Al Jolani’s statements about Israel and the fact that it could be a friendly state, and that in reality the enemies are Hezbollah and Iran, clash in a visible and ridiculous way with the scenes of the same Al Jolani in the area where the entire Syrian fleet was destroyed. The whole world is realizing that at the moment in which the Islamists arrived in Damascus, Israel arrived. It is clear that Israel’s plan is not only to repel adversaries and enemies, it is a historical plan: to create a Greater Israel between the Nile and the Tigris, symbolized by the Israeli flag in which the Star of David is surrounded by two blue stripes, precisely the two rivers. This is their real dream and to do this they certainly need a piece of Syria. Their goal is to annex these areas, not just make them vassals. Israel seems focused on this goal and the only one who has stopped it, to date, is the Lebanese people and in particular Hezbollah.

What can the APF, Alliance for Peace and Freedom, of which you are president, do?

What APF can do is very important. We have already reconnected with our historical Syrian social-national allies and we are trying to understand what political spaces there will be to oppose this new Islamist power; above all, it is important to strengthen our connections with the Christian party of General Aoun and with Hezbollah, which have proven to be the only credible frontier against fundamentalists and Zionism. On January 25 and 26, APF will hold a meeting in Italy where we will most likely have Lebanese and Syrian representatives.