The patriots and national revolutionaries of Europe today remember Jean Marie Le Pen, a man who for over 50 years has represented the French and Europeans who have never accepted either American domination or the invasion of migrants.In recent years he obtained the honorary presidency of the Alliance for Peace and Freedom, aware of having
- Published in APF
Video: Treating us all like mushrooms! As terror comes knocking on our doors, French media to cover up identity of Islamist killers
With public anger over Islamist terror attacks reaching fever pitch, the liberal elite in France have come up with a new solution – cover up who’s responsible! Several French news organisations have said they will no longer publish photographs or publish the names of people responsible for terrorist killings. The reason given is to avoid
“At war with ISIS”? Then it’s time to fight it to win! Twelve key security measures to turn the tide
If we are really “at war with ISIS”, as President Hollande has said yet again in the wake of the ghastly Jihadist murder in St Etienne, then it’s about time that France – and indeed every Western nation – starts fighting it to win! What would a real “war” involve? Twelve serious measures, without which
Massacre in Nice – the West’s ‘tame’ scorpion strikes again
The ghastly Bastille Day Massacre in Nice is in all the headlines. Our initial thoughts are, of course, with the innocent victims. Anger against the terrorists is, naturally, the next most widely felt emotion. Anger against the ideology that drives them follows swiftly on. And that‘s where the West‘s ruling elite and their controlled media
Video: Migrant and Marxist mobs besiege Paris police stations
Things are going from bad to worse in France. While more and more mainly elderly French voters turn to the Front National in the forlorn hope that Marine Le Pen will not only be allowed to get to power but will actually do anything worthwhile once there, the streets of Paris are dominated by mobs