The leader of APF Roberto Fiore has met in Bruxelles Herve Van Laethem historical nationalist and best expert of middle East issues.With him Fiore discussed the opportunity of helping the Syrian people after the earthquake and the resolution from the west to discriminate against the population loyal to Assad.Earlier Fiore had met with MEP Athanasious

On behalf of Alliance for Peace and Freedom I express my profound sorrow for the events in Syria and the willingness to help in whatever way the brave Syrian people.At the same time I am ashamed that the authorities of certain states including the Italian are not mentioning the Syrians as a people to help.A

In Madrid on Saturday 21 January a conference was held by Democracia Nacional entitled “For a new reconquest” which was attended by Roberto Fiore as president of the “Alliance for Peace and Freedom”. On this occasion Fiore was able to meet Pedro Chaparro, Gonzalo Martínez and Miguel Blasco historical leaders of DN. On Friday Roberto

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On the 16 and 17 of December an APF meeting was held in Rome with the representative of Germany, Greece, Italy and Serbia.The decisions taken are of strategical importance; 1) Continue the campaign for peace in Ukraina attacking at the same time governments that are acting against economical and political interests of Europe making at