Huge success for The People‘s Party Our Slovakia


The Slovakian APF-partner, The People‘s Party Our Slovakia (Ľudová strana Naše Slovensk), led by Marian Kotleba had huge success in last weekend’s national election in Slovakia. When the votes were counted it was clear that they have gained 8.6 percent and therefore got 14 seats in the national parliament.

People’s Party Our Slovakia was established as a political party in 2011. It is based on three core principles – national, Christian and social. Marian Kotleba, is since 2014 the regional president of the Banská Bystrica County, which is the largest region in Slovakia. Since he was elected as Governor he have decreased the debt of the region with almost 6 million euros without further loans. This is the largest amount of debt that have been repaid in a single year in the history of that region.

Roberto Fiore, president of Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) reached Marian Kotleba on the phone during the weekend to congratulate for this incredible result.

The MP from The People‘s Party Our Slovakia

Marian Kotleba – 156 355

Martin Beluský – 35 733

Rastislav Schlosár – 22 791

Juraj Kolesár – 21 119

Milan Uhrík – 10 568

Natália Grausová – 9 474

Martin Kotleba – 9 086

Ondrej Binder – 5 034

Stanislav Drobný – 3 309

Andrej Medvecký – 4 832

Ján Kecskés – 3 590

Stanislav Mizík – 2 826

Peter Krupa – 2 538

Jana Nehézová – 1 692