In the latest crack down on online speech, Anonymous are in the sights of German police. A German branch of the group is now under investigation by authorities who say that either a supporter, or the operator of the group’s Facebook page, is wanted for “sedition” and public incitement of criminal acts, Spiegel Online reports. But the

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“We welcome the Parliamentary investigation, because if it is carried out fairly and objectively we have no doubt that it will confirm that the APF does indeed uphold true European principles, thus ending the recent burst of defamatory and dishonest reports by leftist and capitalist media outlets.” This is the response today from Roberto Fiore,

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In recent days the Expo Foundation in Sweden has launched a campaign against the pan-European party the Alliance for Peace and Freedom, and our Foundation, Europa Terra Nostra. Now SVT News (Swedish state television) has also decided to join the propaganda drive, completely failing even to contact us to ask for our comments. We take