Nick Griffin exposes Generation Identity as another manipulated front group
When someone is attacked by the liberal media and issued with travel bans as much as Martin Sellner, it is easy for nationalists to assume that he is “one of us” and worthy of support. This is especially so in view of his long-term anti-immigration position.
I have to tell you, however, that this would be a mistake. I base this judgement on three things: First, personal experience. Second, the shocking facts about the group of people with whom Sellner worked while trying to get Generation Identity going in Britin and Ireland. And, third, simple analysis of Sellner’s much-hyped concept of “Remigration”.
- A Scalded Cat
In October 2017, Sellner visited England. At the time, my colleague Jim Dowson and I were observing the fledgling Generation Identity UK with interest, and had arranged a private dinner in London for about a dozen of their main people, in order to meet them and assess whether or not we should help them in various ways.
Part way through the dinner, Sellner and his then girlfriend, Britanny Pettibone, arrived and sat down to join us. As we chatted, Jim told them that we take security very seriously and that, in order to protect both then and us from hostile infiltration by undercover news organisations, he had with him a bug detector to check for hidden recording equipment.
Sellner went silent, turned pale and, a few seconds later, got up and headed out of the door like a scalded cat. Pettibone noted the exchange of glances between me and Jim, and hastily “explained” that he had an upset stomach.
He returned a few minutes later and told us that the two of them had somewhere else to go and had to leave immediately.
- The Company He Keeps
Having found most of the GI people thoroughly unimpressive, we did not give the organisation any help, but did keep an eye on it. We also did some more research into the key figures in the effort to establish it in the English-speaking world.
This had begun in July 2017, when a Facebook page for Generation Identity Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland was launched, billing itself as the “newest branch of the pan-European Identitarian movement”.
In late July Jordan Diamond, co-leader of the UK branch, had travelled to London to meet several Austrians and Norwegian Tore Rasmussen. The first social event for the founders of the new group was held that evening. Rasmussen was living in north west London, and was given the job of vetting new members.
Prior to helping set up GI UK, Diamond was involved with the attempt to establish the anti-Islam movement Pegida in Britain. Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) was founded by Dresden cocaine dealer Lutz Bachmann. In 2015, Bachmann visited Israel, where he met with government officials and spoke about the common threats faced by both Germany and Israel from radical Islam.
Pegida members often carried Israeli flags during demonstrations, just as did members of he English Defence League, which was set up by US-based neocons using Bachmann’s friend Tommy Robinson as their front man.
In 2016, Diamond had uploaded a video of Robinson speaking in Rotherham to his YouTube account. In June 2017 Diamond attended the ‘UK Against Hate’ march in Manchester alongside a cohort of UK anti-Islam activists including Jack Buckby, at the time working for the Canadian Zionist owner of Rebel Media, which also employed and promoted Robinson. Buckby was press officer of Pegida UK and press officer of the anti-Islam party Liberty GB, led by the pro-Zionist lesbian Anne Marie Waters, who Sellner spoke alongside at a meeting while he was in London in October 2017.
The leadership of Generation Identity in Europe had high hopes for the UK branch, seeing it as a gateway to the English-speaking world. In a video from the US in late September Sellner directed American and Canadian viewers to the slick and professional website launched in conjunction with the UK branch.
After a few months of low-level activity by GI in Britain, Sellner put Tore Rasmussen in charge. He also made him country manager for the UK and Scandinavia of Phalanx Europa, the identitarian clothing Sellner co-owns with Patrick Lenart.
Like so many of the intellectuals in the anti-Islam movement, Rasmussen is a libertarian, rather than a nationalist While at business school in Oslo he set up an Ayn Rand Society as a ‘gathering place for students who want to become better acquainted with liberalism and, with thinkers like Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, John Locke and of course Ayn Rand.’
Nor was this a passing student phase. Once in the UK, and while organising GI, he attended events organised by the Ayn Rand Centre in London.
In March 2018, Tommy Robinson – who had founded a subsidiary branch of Pegida in the UK – held a widely publicised rally at Speakers’ Corner in London. Lutz Bachmann and Martin Sellner were billed as speakers and flew in to attend, only to be refused entry to the UK and deported.
The Irish side of the English-speaking GI operation was led by Deirdre McTucker/Deirdre Nic Thuachair (AKA Damhnait McKenna).
Before setting up the Irish branch of GI, the red-head travelled frequently between Ireland and the US from 1995-2015. McTucker claimed that from 1995-1997 she attended the US Marine Corps MCIS Intelligence School in Virginia, and graduated as an S2 Intelligence Specialist.
From 1997-2000 she returned to Ireland to complete a degree in Business Management and Economics at University College Dublin, before working again in the US for various companies and completing a degree in Media Production in Boston.
McTucker was a key figure in the GI UK and Ireland launch in London in October 2017. Known as “Big Red” on account of her hair, she was the person given the job of vetting potential new members, all of whom she insisted on photographing.
She claimed to have been born and brought up in the intensely Irish republican Falls Road area of Belfast, but our own inquiries there found that no-one in the tight-knit community there had ever heard of her or her family. When it also turned out that she had lived and worked in Langley, Virginia (the home of the CIA) the Irish branch collapsed as its members concluded that they were being run by an US intelligence operative. The last we heard of “Big Red”, she was listed as a speaker at Generation Identity’s European Reunion conference on April 2018.
All of this needs to be considered alongside the fact that Breitbart London took the extraordinary step of printing in full a speech delivered by Martin Sellner, and that the proven neocon/Zionist front man Tommy Robinson has frequently boosted Sellner and GI with his huge social media reach. Staunchly Zionist counter-jihad commentator Katie Hopkins has also done the same thing.
Generation Identity never took off in Britain in the way in has in several European countries, but the people Sellner put in charge, and the individuals and media outlets promoting the operation, tell us very clearly that it was, from beginning to end, just a part of the much larger Zionist-created counter-jihad movement.
No doubt a similar study of the sort of individuals involved in setting up the Identitaires in other countries would find much the same picture.
The English Defence League and Pegida are very clearly from the same Zionist stable. My in-depth 2012 study “What Lies Behind the EDL” exposed in great detail the central role played in its founding of a team led by Frank Gaffney, closely linked to neocon former US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. My online pamphlet also showed how the EDL relied on funding and direction from ultra-Zionists in the USA and Canada.
Robinson and Bachmann are very similar characters, both with histories with criminality, violence and cocaine. The organisations they fronted quickly helped their Deep State and Zionist backers corral significant numbers of working class supporters into a simplistic anti-Islam mindset. But it soon became clear that they had very little appeal to middle class students.
Generation Identity was set up and promoted to fill this gap. Perhaps shaken by the damning and detailed picture I was able to draw of the origin of the EDL, rather more care was taken to cover up the equally inorganic and external forces behind Sellner’s “Remigration” campaign. Speaking only very limited German and French, I am unable to carry out such an investigation into the creation of Generation Identity on the continent, but I have no doubt that what it would be find would be every bit as artificial and sinister.
- The “Remigration” Mirage
Sellner has focussed his efforts in recent years on the concept of “remigration”. He presents it as this is his own idea and a brilliant piece of public relations branding which will save Europe. In fact, the word was first used by the anti-immigration British Tory politician Enoch Powell, although he more often used the term “repatriation”.
There is, of course, no real difference between the two. British nationalists spent thirty years marching, leafleting and demonstrating for repatriation – without it ever happening. A bit of a rebrand is not going to change that.
“Remigration” would be a wonderful thing if carried out on a grand scale, but the trouble is that it is not going to be. Pretending that it is helps Sellner sell books and conference tickets, but the idea is not new and, sadly, have proven to be unsaleable to the general public since 1968. Nothing fundamental is going to change.
There is no doubt that Donald Trump’s very public deportation of criminal illegal immigrants is going to make that idea of “mass deportations” even more popular. It is entirely possible that, sooner or later, populist politicians in some European countries will get enough power to push similar initiatives.
Millions of voters will be attracted to the idea, and some thousands of criminal illegals probably will be sent home. But that is as far as it will go. It is, in truth, a giant safety valve. Because European Europe cannot be saved by deporting criminals.
Doing so would undoubtedly make our streets safer and would – in itself – be a good thing. But the expulsion of even a hundred thousand criminals would make no impact on the overall demographic shift which is the actual problem. Even the deportation of every last illegal would barely scratch the surface.
The stark truth is that the demographic problem is overwhelmingly the presence of millions of LEGAL and LAW-ABIDING immigrants, and their offspring, and the catastrophically low birthrate of our own people. These are the twin motors of the Great Replacement and, while there are ideological and religious factors involved, what powers these motors is CAPITALISM.
It is capitalism which demands an endless supply of cheap labour, and therefore promotes both mass immigration and feminism. It is capitalism – and specifically the finance capitalism of fiat money – which has to have economic growth or face stagnation and collapse.
So while populists like Trump may deport some illegals and criminals, they will replace them many times over with new legal immigrants from countries such as India. Indeed Trump, Musk and Farage have all repeatedly said that this is precisely what they intend to do. The crash in our populations as the Baby Boomer generation dies off doesn’t actually leave them any choice in the matter.
This is also why the “remigration” slogan is a mirage, a red herring. Because it is a demand which anti-immigration activists make of the state. It is a demand which the existing political elite – or perhaps some collection of pro-American, pro-capitalist, pro-Zionist, pro-bankster populists – are asked to put into practice. “They” will save us through remigration.
Except that they will not. Because remigration would crash the entire capitalist system. Not so much because of how legal migrants contribution to the economy in terms of the work they do, but because they are CONSUMERS. Capitalism doesn’t just need cheap labour; it also needs enthusiastic consumers. The more rootless, mixed up and easily manipulated by advertising, the better.
This is why, whatever they might imply or even promise at election times, capitalism will never allow the populists to impose remigration for anyone other than the criminals and illegals they have to sacrifice to make the safety valve work.
The promise to deport these very easy and wholly justifiable targets will convince voters that the leaders of parties like the AfD or Reform UK will save their countries. But all that will do is to buy the System time to flood our countries, “legally” with even more immigrants.
A few thousand Albanian gangsters and Nigerian Black Axe killers will be sent home, but they will be replaced by millions more Africans, because Africa is the only continent with birth rates still high enough to give Western capitalism the new consumers it needs to continue to function for a few more years.
The only thing which could actually sort things out and give the nations of Europe at least a fighting chance of survival is a full-scale National Revolution. Only the victory of truly revolutionary movements, in country after country, can create the conditions in which the ultra-radical policies needed to save our future can possibly be carried out:
First and foremost, the abolition of fiat money, with its creation of credit as an interest-bearing debt. Because, without that, it is utterly impossible for any nation to sustain itself while it goes through the decades of economic shrinkage which is an inevitable part of the demographic winter. This is a population crash which – without further mass immigration, let alone with remigration – is going to hit every country in the developed world.
Second, for Europe to be saved, we need a massive and sustained increase in the birth rate. This is not something that can be achieved by giving working mothers tax credits, or even paying women to have babies rather than careers. The only sure predictor of large families is intense religiosity, which only a revolutionary CHRISTIAN nationalism can provide.
The entire libertarian and LGBTQ mental and ideological construct of the modern world has to be dismantled and replaced, but take a look at any of the counter-jihad or anti-immigration libertarian movements, and you will find them awash with liberals, feminists, homosexuals and homosexual apologists.
Indeed, “Islam oppresses women and gays” is a key reason given by Sellner’s allies like Robinson and Bachmann for campaigning against it. The EDL was noted for having a gay division as well as a Jewish one, and for flying rainbow and Israeli flags at all its rallies. Self-evidently, however, it is ridiculous to complain about demographic replacement while promoting homosexuality.
To demand remigration, without also working to build a revolutionary vanguard committed to the overthrow and replacement of finance capitalism, and the total elimination of atheistic and amoral liberalism, is to be part of a time-wasting safety valve. Don’t be fooled, don’t let these conmen, and the Deep State and Zionist operatives behind them, waste your time. Because, together, we’ve got better things to do!
Martin Sellner – “Tommy Robinson for Middle Class Students”
Nick Griffin exposes Generation Identity as another manipulated front group
When someone is attacked by the liberal media and issued with travel bans as much as Martin Sellner, it is easy for nationalists to assume that he is “one of us” and worthy of support. This is especially so in view of his long-term anti-immigration position.
I have to tell you, however, that this would be a mistake. I base this judgement on three things: First, personal experience. Second, the shocking facts about the group of people with whom Sellner worked while trying to get Generation Identity going in Britin and Ireland. And, third, simple analysis of Sellner’s much-hyped concept of “Remigration”.
- A Scalded Cat
In October 2017, Sellner visited England. At the time, my colleague Jim Dowson and I were observing the fledgling Generation Identity UK with interest, and had arranged a private dinner in London for about a dozen of their main people, in order to meet them and assess whether or not we should help them in various ways.
Part way through the dinner, Sellner and his then girlfriend, Britanny Pettibone, arrived and sat down to join us. As we chatted, Jim told them that we take security very seriously and that, in order to protect both then and us from hostile infiltration by undercover news organisations, he had with him a bug detector to check for hidden recording equipment.
Sellner went silent, turned pale and, a few seconds later, got up and headed out of the door like a scalded cat. Pettibone noted the exchange of glances between me and Jim, and hastily “explained” that he had an upset stomach.
He returned a few minutes later and told us that the two of them had somewhere else to go and had to leave immediately.
- The Company He Keeps
Having found most of the GI people thoroughly unimpressive, we did not give the organisation any help, but did keep an eye on it. We also did some more research into the key figures in the effort to establish it in the English-speaking world.
This had begun in July 2017, when a Facebook page for Generation Identity Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland was launched, billing itself as the “newest branch of the pan-European Identitarian movement”.
In late July Jordan Diamond, co-leader of the UK branch, had travelled to London to meet several Austrians and Norwegian Tore Rasmussen. The first social event for the founders of the new group was held that evening. Rasmussen was living in north west London, and was given the job of vetting new members.
Prior to helping set up GI UK, Diamond was involved with the attempt to establish the anti-Islam movement Pegida in Britain. Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) was founded by Dresden cocaine dealer Lutz Bachmann. In 2015, Bachmann visited Israel, where he met with government officials and spoke about the common threats faced by both Germany and Israel from radical Islam.
Pegida members often carried Israeli flags during demonstrations, just as did members of he English Defence League, which was set up by US-based neocons using Bachmann’s friend Tommy Robinson as their front man.
In 2016, Diamond had uploaded a video of Robinson speaking in Rotherham to his YouTube account. In June 2017 Diamond attended the ‘UK Against Hate’ march in Manchester alongside a cohort of UK anti-Islam activists including Jack Buckby, at the time working for the Canadian Zionist owner of Rebel Media, which also employed and promoted Robinson. Buckby was press officer of Pegida UK and press officer of the anti-Islam party Liberty GB, led by the pro-Zionist lesbian Anne Marie Waters, who Sellner spoke alongside at a meeting while he was in London in October 2017.
The leadership of Generation Identity in Europe had high hopes for the UK branch, seeing it as a gateway to the English-speaking world. In a video from the US in late September Sellner directed American and Canadian viewers to the slick and professional website launched in conjunction with the UK branch.
After a few months of low-level activity by GI in Britain, Sellner put Tore Rasmussen in charge. He also made him country manager for the UK and Scandinavia of Phalanx Europa, the identitarian clothing Sellner co-owns with Patrick Lenart.
Like so many of the intellectuals in the anti-Islam movement, Rasmussen is a libertarian, rather than a nationalist While at business school in Oslo he set up an Ayn Rand Society as a ‘gathering place for students who want to become better acquainted with liberalism and, with thinkers like Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, John Locke and of course Ayn Rand.’
Nor was this a passing student phase. Once in the UK, and while organising GI, he attended events organised by the Ayn Rand Centre in London.
In March 2018, Tommy Robinson – who had founded a subsidiary branch of Pegida in the UK – held a widely publicised rally at Speakers’ Corner in London. Lutz Bachmann and Martin Sellner were billed as speakers and flew in to attend, only to be refused entry to the UK and deported.
The Irish side of the English-speaking GI operation was led by Deirdre McTucker/Deirdre Nic Thuachair (AKA Damhnait McKenna).
Before setting up the Irish branch of GI, the red-head travelled frequently between Ireland and the US from 1995-2015. McTucker claimed that from 1995-1997 she attended the US Marine Corps MCIS Intelligence School in Virginia, and graduated as an S2 Intelligence Specialist.
From 1997-2000 she returned to Ireland to complete a degree in Business Management and Economics at University College Dublin, before working again in the US for various companies and completing a degree in Media Production in Boston.
McTucker was a key figure in the GI UK and Ireland launch in London in October 2017. Known as “Big Red” on account of her hair, she was the person given the job of vetting potential new members, all of whom she insisted on photographing.
She claimed to have been born and brought up in the intensely Irish republican Falls Road area of Belfast, but our own inquiries there found that no-one in the tight-knit community there had ever heard of her or her family. When it also turned out that she had lived and worked in Langley, Virginia (the home of the CIA) the Irish branch collapsed as its members concluded that they were being run by an US intelligence operative. The last we heard of “Big Red”, she was listed as a speaker at Generation Identity’s European Reunion conference on April 2018.
All of this needs to be considered alongside the fact that Breitbart London took the extraordinary step of printing in full a speech delivered by Martin Sellner, and that the proven neocon/Zionist front man Tommy Robinson has frequently boosted Sellner and GI with his huge social media reach. Staunchly Zionist counter-jihad commentator Katie Hopkins has also done the same thing.
Generation Identity never took off in Britain in the way in has in several European countries, but the people Sellner put in charge, and the individuals and media outlets promoting the operation, tell us very clearly that it was, from beginning to end, just a part of the much larger Zionist-created counter-jihad movement.
No doubt a similar study of the sort of individuals involved in setting up the Identitaires in other countries would find much the same picture.
The English Defence League and Pegida are very clearly from the same Zionist stable. My in-depth 2012 study “What Lies Behind the EDL” exposed in great detail the central role played in its founding of a team led by Frank Gaffney, closely linked to neocon former US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. My online pamphlet also showed how the EDL relied on funding and direction from ultra-Zionists in the USA and Canada.
Robinson and Bachmann are very similar characters, both with histories with criminality, violence and cocaine. The organisations they fronted quickly helped their Deep State and Zionist backers corral significant numbers of working class supporters into a simplistic anti-Islam mindset. But it soon became clear that they had very little appeal to middle class students.
Generation Identity was set up and promoted to fill this gap. Perhaps shaken by the damning and detailed picture I was able to draw of the origin of the EDL, rather more care was taken to cover up the equally inorganic and external forces behind Sellner’s “Remigration” campaign. Speaking only very limited German and French, I am unable to carry out such an investigation into the creation of Generation Identity on the continent, but I have no doubt that what it would be find would be every bit as artificial and sinister.
- The “Remigration” Mirage
Sellner has focussed his efforts in recent years on the concept of “remigration”. He presents it as this is his own idea and a brilliant piece of public relations branding which will save Europe. In fact, the word was first used by the anti-immigration British Tory politician Enoch Powell, although he more often used the term “repatriation”.
There is, of course, no real difference between the two. British nationalists spent thirty years marching, leafleting and demonstrating for repatriation – without it ever happening. A bit of a rebrand is not going to change that.
“Remigration” would be a wonderful thing if carried out on a grand scale, but the trouble is that it is not going to be. Pretending that it is helps Sellner sell books and conference tickets, but the idea is not new and, sadly, have proven to be unsaleable to the general public since 1968. Nothing fundamental is going to change.
There is no doubt that Donald Trump’s very public deportation of criminal illegal immigrants is going to make that idea of “mass deportations” even more popular. It is entirely possible that, sooner or later, populist politicians in some European countries will get enough power to push similar initiatives.
Millions of voters will be attracted to the idea, and some thousands of criminal illegals probably will be sent home. But that is as far as it will go. It is, in truth, a giant safety valve. Because European Europe cannot be saved by deporting criminals.
Doing so would undoubtedly make our streets safer and would – in itself – be a good thing. But the expulsion of even a hundred thousand criminals would make no impact on the overall demographic shift which is the actual problem. Even the deportation of every last illegal would barely scratch the surface.
The stark truth is that the demographic problem is overwhelmingly the presence of millions of LEGAL and LAW-ABIDING immigrants, and their offspring, and the catastrophically low birthrate of our own people. These are the twin motors of the Great Replacement and, while there are ideological and religious factors involved, what powers these motors is CAPITALISM.
It is capitalism which demands an endless supply of cheap labour, and therefore promotes both mass immigration and feminism. It is capitalism – and specifically the finance capitalism of fiat money – which has to have economic growth or face stagnation and collapse.
So while populists like Trump may deport some illegals and criminals, they will replace them many times over with new legal immigrants from countries such as India. Indeed Trump, Musk and Farage have all repeatedly said that this is precisely what they intend to do. The crash in our populations as the Baby Boomer generation dies off doesn’t actually leave them any choice in the matter.
This is also why the “remigration” slogan is a mirage, a red herring. Because it is a demand which anti-immigration activists make of the state. It is a demand which the existing political elite – or perhaps some collection of pro-American, pro-capitalist, pro-Zionist, pro-bankster populists – are asked to put into practice. “They” will save us through remigration.
Except that they will not. Because remigration would crash the entire capitalist system. Not so much because of how legal migrants contribution to the economy in terms of the work they do, but because they are CONSUMERS. Capitalism doesn’t just need cheap labour; it also needs enthusiastic consumers. The more rootless, mixed up and easily manipulated by advertising, the better.
This is why, whatever they might imply or even promise at election times, capitalism will never allow the populists to impose remigration for anyone other than the criminals and illegals they have to sacrifice to make the safety valve work.
The promise to deport these very easy and wholly justifiable targets will convince voters that the leaders of parties like the AfD or Reform UK will save their countries. But all that will do is to buy the System time to flood our countries, “legally” with even more immigrants.
A few thousand Albanian gangsters and Nigerian Black Axe killers will be sent home, but they will be replaced by millions more Africans, because Africa is the only continent with birth rates still high enough to give Western capitalism the new consumers it needs to continue to function for a few more years.
The only thing which could actually sort things out and give the nations of Europe at least a fighting chance of survival is a full-scale National Revolution. Only the victory of truly revolutionary movements, in country after country, can create the conditions in which the ultra-radical policies needed to save our future can possibly be carried out:
First and foremost, the abolition of fiat money, with its creation of credit as an interest-bearing debt. Because, without that, it is utterly impossible for any nation to sustain itself while it goes through the decades of economic shrinkage which is an inevitable part of the demographic winter. This is a population crash which – without further mass immigration, let alone with remigration – is going to hit every country in the developed world.
Second, for Europe to be saved, we need a massive and sustained increase in the birth rate. This is not something that can be achieved by giving working mothers tax credits, or even paying women to have babies rather than careers. The only sure predictor of large families is intense religiosity, which only a revolutionary CHRISTIAN nationalism can provide.
The entire libertarian and LGBTQ mental and ideological construct of the modern world has to be dismantled and replaced, but take a look at any of the counter-jihad or anti-immigration libertarian movements, and you will find them awash with liberals, feminists, homosexuals and homosexual apologists.
Indeed, “Islam oppresses women and gays” is a key reason given by Sellner’s allies like Robinson and Bachmann for campaigning against it. The EDL was noted for having a gay division as well as a Jewish one, and for flying rainbow and Israeli flags at all its rallies. Self-evidently, however, it is ridiculous to complain about demographic replacement while promoting homosexuality.
To demand remigration, without also working to build a revolutionary vanguard committed to the overthrow and replacement of finance capitalism, and the total elimination of atheistic and amoral liberalism, is to be part of a time-wasting safety valve. Don’t be fooled, don’t let these conmen, and the Deep State and Zionist operatives behind them, waste your time. Because, together, we’ve got better things to do!
Nick Griffin