The Future of Europe – APF-Conference in Brno (Czech Republic)

Our Western heritage is in danger! The ethnic identities in Europe are threatened! If WE as Europeans want to have a future on OUR continent – a future for US and not for mass-immigrating invaders from alien cultures from all corners of the globe, then we not only have to strengthen political resistance against globalisation, foreign infiltration and Islamisation, but further more we urgently have to organise the Reconquista of our continent. An enormous challenge under modern conditions – but it´s about our future! More: It´s about be or not to be, it´s about our existence!

With your idealistic support the next conference of Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) on Saturday, 18th of November in Brno (Czech Republic) will be a successful contribution in our common struggle for the „Future of Europe“ –  the working title of this congress.

We will be analysing why our continent, with its peoples and cultures, is caught in an act of political suicide. We will discuss what´s required to secure the survival of the indigenous ethnic identities of Europe.

We will examine the ways in which the internationalist establishment concertedly pushes radical and destructive change on our traditional societies. Nationalists of all European countries have to face and defeat our common enemy together – side by side. This is why our speakers’ panel is composed of representatives from different countries and organisations.

The conference will start on 18. November 2017 at 14.00 o´clock in the afternoon.

The entrance fee including some refreshments is 16,00 €.

(Overnight stay – single room: 56,00 € / double room: 80,00 €)

Speakers will include:

Thomás Vandas                 Czech Republic – Chairman of DSSS

Roberto Fiore                      Italy Chairman of Forza Nuova & President of APF

Nick Griffin                           Great Britain – Britsh Unity & Vice-President of APF

Martin Beluský                    Slovakia – Vice-Chairman of L`SNS

Sascha Roßmüller             Germany – Member of the executive board of NPD

The musical entertainment will be organised by the musician Karlos, among others

Further information:

Let´s fight against multicultural genocide, EU tyranny and free-trade capitalism, and struggle for peace and freedom in an Europe of sovereign peoples. Identity is an essential part of human dignity and our ethnicities are the source of our identity. – Our Western heritage is our commitment!

If you are not able to attend at the conference, you nevertheless can be part of our common success! You can fuel real, European Nationalism with a donation to:

ING Belgium

IBAN: BE37 3630 6235 0428




Our host, Tomas Vandas, interviewed by RT: