The picture the media won’t show – Children forced to join #Refugees Welcome party for German train attacker who had been arrested in Hungary

The Wurzburg train Islamist axe attacker was caught on the Hungarian border by police last year, but EU rules forced the Hungarian government to send him to a centre for ‘unaccompanied children’ from which he absconded and moved on to Germany. Once there, he was welcomed by leftists organised with local taxpayers’ money. The mainstream media in Britain, the USA, Germany and other countries are refusing to publish these shocking facts.

Muhammad Riyadon was stopped on the Hungarian border on June 23, 2015, where he applied for asylum before moving to Germany.

The revelation was made by the homeland security chief adviser to the Hungarian Prime Minister, György Bakondi, on Friday.

Bakondi said that the German authorities had requested help in positively identifying the attacker, named as Muhammad Riyad.

After going through their records, the Hungarian  border control police found that the refugee-terrorist had been stopped at the border near the town of Ásotthalom in June last year, as part of a 54-strong group of invaders first spotted by the border patrol organised by the town’s hardline Mayor.

Riyad was first registered in Hungary on June 24, 2015. He claimed to be a juvenile who said he had started out alone some two and a half months earlier in Afghanistan.

He had immediately applied for asylum, and was handed over to the Office of Immigration and Nationality on June 25, 2015, for consideration of acceptance as an “unaccompanied minor.” The police had also taken his fingerprints.

He was placed in the Károlyi István Children’s Center in the city of Fót, located within the Budapest metropolitan area. The very next day he absconded.

 Search efforts to relocate Riyad by the Hungarian police proved fruitless, Bakondi added, and as a result his asylum application in Hungary was terminated and his temporary residence permit withdrawn.


Bakondi also revealed that Riyad had applied for asylum in Hungary under another name—and because he had no documentation of any sort with him, he had been registered under the different name he had given.

When he made his way to Germany, the refugee-terrorist provided the name Riyad. It was only when a search on his fingerprints was taken that it was revealed that he was the same individual who had applied for asylum in Hungary and Germany.

This ruthless killer was greeted by German children, who were made to go and welcome the “refugees” with gifts and songs at the refugee-centre in Ochsenfurt. The photo above was taken during this event, with the grinning future terrorist clearly visible. 

In any normal state, at any normal time, the government which forced the mass invasion on Germany last year would already have been forced to resign. How many more of “Merkel’s Children” will have to murder how many more Germans or other Europeans before Germany returns to normality?

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